Experience the power of

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

and achieve your goals


Do you feel overwhelmed, inadequate, or discouraged? Are you ready to address the issues that are robbing you of a life of joy and a sense of purpose? Join me in a safe, non-judgmental environment where together we can explore what’s keeping you from feeling better.

I'm Kevin Ward, a clinical hypnotherapist practising in Croston, Lancashire and across the UK.

I practise Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, which uses a combination of Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming [NLP] and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [CBT]. This is a powerful, modern technique that can help people quickly and effectively transform their lives resulting in lasting and effective change.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy usually looks at the present and the future, not the past. By highlighting and increasing the strengths and resources you already have, you can achieve major change and improvements, gaining control of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Your first step to

healing and recovery starts here.

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silhouette of person standing on hill during sunset

Call or text

07312 036958



to enquire further and to book your free, initial consultation.

Kevin Ward Clinical Hypnotherapist
Regulated by the
Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH)
National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH).
and the
Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).
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white and black quote board on green plants

Help and support

Hypnotherapy can effectively help:

• Anxiety
• Stress
• Depression
• Addictions
• Low self-esteem
• Lack of self-confidence
• Insomnia
• Anger management
• Specific phobias (eg. fear of flying, lifts, spiders)
• Panic attacks
• Weight management
• Weight loss
• Comfort eating
• Stopping smoking
• Performance enhancement (for work, sport, education)
• Stage/public speaking, performance anxiety
• Blushing
• Stuttering
• Fitness and health
• Motivation
• Energy
• Nail-biting
• Procrastination
• Relationships
• Bruxism (teeth or jaw grinding)
• Cannabis dependence

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gray stones

I work online as this offers flexibility for both of us and enables you to stay in the comfort of your own home and saves journey time.

Online therapy has been shown to be just as effective and powerful as in-person sessions.



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mans face in grayscale photography
the word mental health spelled with scrabbles next to a green leaf
the word mental health spelled with scrabbles next to a green leaf
white and brown cigarette stick
white and brown cigarette stick
turned-on lights in hallway
turned-on lights in hallway


stop smoking

white and black i am a good day card
white and black i am a good day card

Client Reviews/testimonials

The hypnotherapy sessions have been life-changing for me. I've overcome my fears and gained self-confidence.
I highly recommend Kevin. He has a genuine empathy to help and support and has helped me achieve my goals and improve my mindset.
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human hand neon signage

Disclaimer: Hypnotherapy is effective, results may vary and success is not guaranteed. Full client commitment is important.

Get in touch


